How to pause/resume TUI app to launch vim?

Hello everyone,
I am building a simple tui for dnote using ratatui’s component template. I am trying to get my application to pause to allow vim to edit notes file and resume my tui once user is done editing. I am just testing this out in Home component from template: templates/component/template/src/components/ at main · ratatui-org/templates · GitHub

What am I doing wrong in handle_key_events in my code? It spawns vim but I can’t provide input and it just gets hung up.

// imports ...

pub struct Home {
    command_tx: Option<UnboundedSender<Action>>,
    config: Config,

impl Home {
    pub fn new() -> Self {

impl Component for Home {
    // register_action_handler, register_config_handler, ...

    fn handle_key_events(&mut self, key: KeyEvent) -> Result<Option<Action>> {
        match key.code {
            KeyCode::Char('v') => {
                if let Some(tx) = &self.command_tx {

                    .arg("vim /tmp/a.txt")
                    .expect("Failed to execute vim");

                if let Some(tx) = &self.command_tx {

            _ => Ok(None),

    // update, draw, other functions...
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I found this active issue Add section on how to spawn vim from a ratatui application · Issue #406 · ratatui-org/ratatui-website · GitHub

Here’s a proof of concept solution Add section on how to spawn vim from a ratatui application · Issue #406 · ratatui-org/ratatui-website · GitHub

I’m not sure if this matches your use case, but I use edit. By using edit, you can launch the user-specified $EDITOR from the TUI, and when the user exits the $EDITOR, you can retrieve the buffer (edited content) from the TUI.


Thanks, that’s good to know. Since dnote handles opening vim using commands like dnote edit 15, I will have to use that. I am working on adding a simple example on ratatui docs to spawn vim. I will definitely include this info in the documentation

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